Official MMF Adoptions

Adopt a Whale Shark


Your whale shark adoptions supports MMF’s Global Whale Shark Program. Our renowned team carries out groundbreaking scientific research in the field, with the ultimate goal of developing and implementing innovative global conservation strategies to safeguard these gentle giants.


The Official MMF Whale Shark Adoption Pack includes:

Personalized adoption e-certificate

We will add the adoptee's name in bold and send it to you as a PDF for you to print or forward to your gift recipient!

Optional Birthday e-card

Add your message to the card!

Your adoption is tax-deductible in the USA – MMF is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit conservation organization.

“Our work has led to whale sharks, and their habitats, receiving protection in multiple countries.”


Dr. Simon J. Pierce
Co-Founder / Principal Scientist

Dr Simon Pierce is a pioneering researcher and global leader in whale shark conservation. Simon co-authored the first-ever scientific textbook on whale sharks in 2021, led the recent global conservation assessment of the species, and serves as a member of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group.


Your whale shark adoption will help us to research and protect these globally-endangered sharks.

What have we achieved recently?

  • Global conservation assessment leadership: Our team played a crucial role in classifying whale sharks as endangered on the IUCN Red List.

  • International protection secured: We successfully ensured whale shark protection within the 126 signatory countries to the United Nation's Convention on Migratory Species.

  • Ecotourism standards development: We've helped create and implement best-practice standards for whale shark ecotourism in multiple countries.

  • National capacity building: We've enhanced national capacity for whale shark conservation and research in the developing world.

  • First scientific book authored: We contributed to the knowledge base on whale sharks by writing the first comprehensive scientific book on the species.

A mission worth talking about.

We have made huge contributions to whale shark research, education and conservation and our work has been featured in a variety of global media outlets.

Learn more about our Global Whale Shark Program


Watch MMF on location.

Adopt a Shark FAQs

What is a symbolic whale shark adoption?

Your adoption is supporting whale sharks as a species, rather than a specific individual. They’re all ‘your’ whale shark now :)

Can I adopt an individual whale shark?

We work across the world to help whale sharks where they need the most protection, rather than where it is easiest to find them! Your adoption helps us to conserve all whale sharks, not just one. You’ll receive regular updates on all our work, rather than waiting to hear about a shark that may not be seen again.

What do you spend the contributions on?

We are a small team of multi-tasking conservationists, scientists, and educators. Your support enables all three activities, and much more. You’re helping us to conduct pioneering fieldwork, to work with communities to safeguard whale shark populations, and to train the next generation of conservationists to continue these projects and create new ones. See our Global Whale Shark Program page for more. You’ll receive our quarterly magazine with updates on our work.

How does it work?

When you click the ADOPT NOW button you’ll be asked to add payment details, then add the adoptee’s name which will be added to your certificate. The personalized certificate will be emailed to you within 3 business days.

How long does it take to receive my Certificate?

Your personalized certificate will be emailed to you within 3 business days of completing your purchase - though we aim for a 24-hour turnaround!