Official MMF Adoptions
Adopt a Manta Ray
Manta ray adoptions support the work of MMF’s world-renowned manta ray experts, who are working to save them from extinction.
The Official MMF Manta Ray Adoption Pack includes:
Personalized adoption
We will add the adoptee's name in bold and send it to you as a PDF for you to print or forward to your gift recipient!
Birthday e-card!
Add your message to the card!
Your adoption is tax-deductible in the USA – MMF is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit conservation organization.
Your manta adoption supports the work of MMF’s world-renown manta ray experts, who are working to save them from extinction.
“Our work has led to manta rays, and their habitats, receiving protection in multiple countries.”
Dr. Andrea “Queen of Mantas” Marshall
Co-Founder & Principal Scientist, Marine Megafauna Foundation.
Your manta ray adoption will help us to research and protect these globally endangered rays.
What has MMF achieved recently for manta rays?
Identified that there were two (and possibly three) manta ray species, not one.
Led the global conservation assessment of manta rays that recognized both manta species as threatened worldwide on the IUCN Red List.
Led the successful effort to get manta rays protected within the 126 signatory countries to the United Nation’s Convention on Migratory Species.
Built national capacity for manta ray conservation and research in the developing world.
Adopt a Manta Ray FAQs
What is a symbolic manta ray adoption?
Your adoption is supporting manta rays as a species, rather than a specific individual. They’re all ‘your’ manta ray now :)
Can I adopt an individual manta ray?
We work across the world to help manta rays where they need the most protection, rather than where it is easiest to find them! Your adoption helps us to conserve all manta rays, not just one. You’ll receive regular updates on all our work, rather than waiting to hear about a manta ray that may not be seen again.
What do you spend the adoption contributions on?
We are a small team of multi-tasking conservationists, scientists, and educators. Your support enables all three activities, and much more. You’re helping us to conduct pioneering fieldwork, to work with communities to safeguard manta ray populations, and to train the next generation of conservationists to continue these projects and create new ones. See our main website for more. You’ll receive our quarterly magazine with updates on our work.
How do Manta Ray Adoptions work?
When you click the “ADOPT A MANTA RAY” button, you’ll be asked to add the adoptee’s name and your birthday message. The PDF’s will be delivered within 3 business days.
How long does it take to receive my Manta Ray Adoption Certificate?
Your personalized certificate and download file will be emailed to you within 3 business days (though - we aim for a 24hr turnaround!) of completing your purchase.