Media Coverage.
Gaining worldwide attention for marine conservation.
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Scientists finally know the clever tricks ocra use to hunt whale sharks (interview)
SMITHSONIAN MAG. A Pod of Orcas Learned to Target and Feast on Whale Sharks, the Largest Fish in the Sea (interview)
THE STANDARD UK. Orcas know how to hunt and kill the world's largest fish, reveals new research (interview)
NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. Whale sharks 15,000 times more likely to be hit by ships in warming oceans
DIVERNET. New maps show high-risk zones for whale-ship collisions
OCEANOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. Climate Change: Whale sharks 15,000 times likelier to be hit by ships by 2100
SCIENCE DAILY. Most dangerous areas for whale shark-shipping vessel collisions revealed
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Whale sharks are vanishing without a trace. Here's what we know
EARTH.com Whale sharks face deadly threats in shipping lanes
MSN. New research identifies ship strikes as escalating threat to whale sharks
SCUBA DIVER MAGAZINE. Whale shark ship-strike risk spots identified
YAHOO NEWS. New research identifies ship strikes as escalating threat to whale sharks
DAILY ECHO. Study reveals shipping routes threat to endangered whale sharks
MIRAGE NEWS. Top Risk Zones for Whale Shark-Ship Collisions Identified
ONE GREEN PLANET. 10 Marine Conservation Projects Making a Difference: Restoring Our Oceans
DIVE MAGAZINE. MMF records first-ever sighting of mimic octopus in Mozambique - DIVE Magazine
FORBES. Partnership May Ensure A Future For Whale Sharks In Mafia Island
YAHOO FINANCE. Immotion Joins the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Commercial Member Engagement Council
DIVE MAGAZINE. MMF’s research pivotal in establishing new IUCN shark and ray protections
DIVE MAGAZINE. 2023 – DIVE’s year in review
UNESCO. Ocean Guardians
Oceanographic. Tagging the first smalleye stingray
DIVE Magazine. How the Marine Megafauna Foundation makes sustainability sustainable
Scuba Diving Magazine. Tracking the Health & Movement of Marine Megafauna with Experts
FORBES. Rare, Endangered Sicklefin Devil Rays Found Off The US Atlantic Coast
Yahoo. Rare sea creature — a 12-foot ‘devil’ — spotted off US East Coast for the first time
DIVE Magazine. Endangered sicklefin devil ray found off the US Atlantic coast
Miami Herald. Rare sea creature — a 12-foot ‘devil’ — spotted off US East Coast for the first time
Scuba Diving Magazine. Perfect Storm: How Mozambique Became a Megafauna Paradise
ScienceNews. ‘Jet packs’ and ultrasounds could reveal secrets of pregnant whale sharks
MONGABAY. Uterine implants and underwater ultrasounds aim to demystify shark births
DIVE Magazine. Virtual Reality Brings 'Flight of the Mantas' to life
Yahoo Finance. IMMOTION'S Motion's Flight of the Mantas Makes a Splash at Its AZA Debut
Blooloop. IMMOTION debuts Flight of the Mantas VR experience at AZA event
FORBES. Galapagos Whale Sharks Undergo Ultrasounds For First Time
Scuba Diver Magazine. Galapagos Whale Shark Research
DIVE Magazine. Whale shark reproductive ultrasound study published
Carbon Pulse. UNEP backs gamers to help green the planet in 2023 event
FORBES. World's Largest Ocean Stingray Tagged For First Time
National Geographic. A wildlife first: World’s biggest ocean stingray tagged in the wild
Oceanographic. World-first international migration of reef manta rays confirmed
FORBES. New Study Confirms A World-First International Migration Of Reef Manta Rays
DIVE Magazine. MMF confirms world-first international reef manta migration
Press Peru. Kuehne+Nagel Es El Primer Proveedor Logístico Mundial En Ofrecer Soluciones Sostenibles De Seguro De Carga
DeeperBlue. Study: Komodo National Park Has One Of The Biggest Accumulations Of Manta Rays
Finanzen .ch. Kühne+Nagel-Aktie profitiert: Kühne+Nagel entwickelt nachhaltige Transportversicherung
HZ Insurance. Inhouse Broker von Kühne+Nagel lanciert nachhaltige Frachtversicherung
AssCompact. Erste Transportversicherung zum Schutz maritimer Lebensräume / Advertorial
American Journal of Transportation. Nacora Insurance Brokers Launches Integrated Marine Habitat Protection Model in Commercial Insurance
InsuranceNewsNet. Kuehne+Nagel becomes first global logistics provider to offer its customers sustainable cargo insurance solutions
Lakonikos .gr. Τα τεράστια σαλάχια μάντα «επιστρέφουν» στον πλανήτη
Mongabay. For reef mantas, Indonesia’s Komodo National Park is a ray of hope
Kompas. Taman Nasional Komodo Jadi Rumah Pari Manta Terbesar di Dunia
Vida de Bicho - Globo. Grupo de mais de mil arraias causa esperança para espécie em extinção
REQnews. Kali Pertama 1.000 Pari Manta Tercatat di Taman Nasional Komodo, Ilmuwan Kagumi Penyelam Lokal
Sindonews. Keren, Taman Nasional Komodo Jadi Tempat Berkumpul Terbesar Ikan Pari Manta di Dunia
Nature World News. More Than a Thousand Rays Found Thriving in Indonesian Waters
Noticias del Mundo. Enorme escuadrón de mantarrayas es registrado frente a Indonesia
Naftemporiki .gr. Τα τεράστια σαλάχια μάντα «επιστρέφουν» στον πλανήτη
Kompas.id. Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Komodo Memegang Peran Kunci Konservasi Pari Manta
La Stampa it. Parco di Komodo, il paradiso delle mante
Open Access Government. Regional recovery of manta ray habitats through tourism limitations
Sci-News. Scientists Find Huge Aggregations of Reef Manta Rays in Komodo National Park
Nat Geo Hungary. Komodo rájái
Nationalgeographic.co.id. Rentannya Pari Manta Taman Nasional Komodo karena Terbuai Pariwisata
KSL. Whale shark study finds collisions with large vessels may be factor in population decline
EurekaAlert!. Komodo National Park is home to some of the world’s largest manta ray aggregations, new study shows
Vista al Mar. Un paraíso para las mantas de arrecife
Sindonews. Perairan Taman Nasional Komodo Ternyata Merupakan Habitat Ideal Ikan Pari Manta
Revyuh. Komodo National Park Helping to Retain Large Manta Ray Aggregations
Earth.com. Secrets of manta ray behavior revealed
Newswise. Komodo National Park is home to some of the world’s largest manta ray aggregations, new study shows
Times of Oman. Collisions with large vessels may be factor in whale shark population decline
News9. Shipping found to pose enormous threat to the endangered whale sharks
Science Alert. Scientists Have Figured Out What's Killing The World's Biggest Fish
Eurasia Review. Shipping Poses Significant Threat To Endangered Whale Shark
Telegraph. Whale shark populations are plunging – and scientists believe they’ve found the ‘smoking gun’
Phys.org. Shipping poses significant threat to the endangered whale shark
Independent. Deadly ship strikes on endangered whale sharks could be causing fall in numbers, research finds
Seven Seas Media. MMF & Partners create First-Ever Accurate Digital 3D Model of a Manta Ray
NOAA Fisheries. New Study Reveals More About Where Giant Manta Rays Go and Why
Garden & Gun. A Rare Nursery for Giant Manta Rays
Duiken Inbeeld. Zeldzame adelaarsrog gespot bij Mozambique
Commenti Memorabili. Questi esemplari di pesci amano penetrare nel retto degli squali: ecco perché
Oceanographic Mag. First-ever accurate digital 3D model of a manta ray created
Seven Seas Media. New Study Highlights the Need for Long-Term Population Monitoring of the World’s Largest Fish
Dive Magazine. MMF scientists spot elusive ornate eagle ray
Atlas Obscura. The ‘Queen of the Mantas’ Who Became a Force of Nature
Dive Magazine. Study shows need for whale shark population monitoring
National Geographic. Whale sharks team up to hunt with other predators in rare video
Seven Seas Media. Inhambane Seascape in Mozambique Recognized as Mission Blue Hope Spot
Phys.org. Manta rays establish shadowy presence in South Florida, as global population threatened
MSN. Manta rays establish shadowy presence in South Florida, as global population threatened
Sun Sentinel. Manta rays establish shadowy presence in South Florida, as global population threatened
Dive Photo Guide. Mozambique’s Inhambane Seascape Declared Mission Blue Hope Spot
Dive Magazine. Inhambane Seascape in Mozambique Recognized as Mission Blue Hope Spot
Seven Seas Media. New Study Highlights Madagascar As a Global HOtspot for Endangered Whale Shark
Seven Seas Media. Book Suggestion: WHALE SHARK, Biology, Ecology, and Conservation (Simon Pierce’s Interview)
Forbes. Madagascar Is A Global Hotspot For Endangered Whale Sharks
BBC. Galapagos marine reserve: Conservationists hail expansion
Seven Seas Media. Madagascar Whale Shark Tourism Valued at $1.5 Million Amid Calls for Stronger Protections
Scubaverse. New study values Madagascar Whale Shark Tourism at $1.5 Million amid calls for stronger protections
Dive Magazine. Calls for Madagascar Whale Shark Protection After Study's $1.5Million Valuation
Geographical Magazine. Social media is providing crucial data to study and monitor marine species
Nat Geo Traveler NL. In het diepe
Mataram Inside. secara mendalam | Nasional geografis
Pet Business World. Zebra shark hotspot needs protection
Mongabay. New research hopes to shine a light on wedgefish, the ‘pangolin of the ocean’
IFL Science. Remoras Sometimes Try To Swim Into Whale Sharks' Butts When They Poop
Deeper Blue. First Wedgefish Tagging Initiative Launched In Mozambique
News Penguin. Korean: 'It stings~' Wild whale shark blood sampling expert (video)
Dive Magazine. Marine Megafauna Foundation Launches Study Into Critically Endangered Mozambique Wedgefish
Dive Magazine. Marine Megafauna Foundation Formally Describes African Zebra Shark Hotspot
Scubaverse. First study of Zebra Sharks in Africa reveals new hotspot in need of protection
Forbes. Microplastics And Manta Rays
CN Traveler. How to Responsibly Interact with Marine Life
CSRWIRE. Disney Conservation Fund Celebrates Its 2020 Heroes
Dive Magazine. Marine Megafauna Foundation's Latest Study Into Manta Rays' Consumption of Toxic Microplastic
Mongabay. Manta dan Mola Rentan Memakan Mikroplastik di Manta Bay
Frankenpost. Neue Analyse: Welche Kunststoffe nehmen Mantarochen auf?
Psychology Today. Do Manta Rays Use "Fin Language" to Communicate?
Detik Travel. Saat Pari Manta Sadar Kamera Ikut Mejeng Peselancar
Fox23 News. Giant manta ray photobombs surfer at Florida beach
7 News Australia. A giant manta ray jumped out of the ocean and photobombed a surfer in Florida
ARY News. Creature photobombs surfer on Florida beach
tvnoviny.sk. Fotografovi sa podarila unikátna fotka. Pozrite, kto mu skočil do záberu
Sputnik. Una manta gigante ruba la scena a un surfista - Foto e Video
CNN. A giant manta ray jumped out of the ocean and photobombed a surfer in Florida
Southern Living. Florida Photographer Unknowingly Captures Incredible Giant Manta Ray Photobomb
TVN Meteo. Gigantyczna płaszczka wyskoczyła z oceanu. Prawie zderzyła się z surferem
CBS58 WDJT. A giant manta ray jumped out of the ocean and photobombed a surfer in Florida
Yahoo News UK. Drone photographer captures a baby manta ray gliding through crystal clear water
Yes Life Magazine. Turismo post-pandemia, nuocerà all’ambiente oppure sarà un bene?
BiOME Ecology. Why Do Manta Rays Move Their Cephalic Lobes? Possible Explanations Outlined in New Study
Forbes. The Devil And Its Horns: Decoding How Mantas Communicate
Marine Technology News. Discovery: Uncovering Manta Ray Behavior via Mini ADCP
Forbes. Extinction Seems Imminent For Sharks And Rays
Mongabay. Boat strikes in Maldives put pressure on whale sharks’ survival odds
Mongabay. Mozambique’s new fisheries law expands protections but old problems persist
Oceanographic Mag. Manta rays and whale sharks now protected by new commercial fishing law in Mozambique
iAfrica. Manta Rays and Whale Sharks are Now Protected by Law in Mozambique
Getaway. Manta rays and whale sharks now protected in Mozambique
AllAfrica. Mozambique: New Legislation Protects Whale Sharks and Manta Rays
El Chubut. Científicos hallan plásticos en el intestino de una ballena varada en Madryn
Forbes. Uh Oh: Things Aren’t Looking Good For Mantas.
Dive magazine. Oceanic Manta Ray Conservation Status Downgraded on IUCN Red List
Oceanographic Magazine. Giant manta becomes first manta ray to be listed as an endangered species
Coastal Review Online. Teens Go Online to Help Marine Life
Mongabay en Español. Argentina: científicos hallan plásticos en el intestino de una ballena franca austral varada en reserva marina
South Coast Herald. Ray of hope for mantas – you can play a part
CBS4 Miami. Manta Ray Nursery Discovered Off Palm Beach County Coast
AP - Syndicated. Manta Ray Nursery Discovered Along Southeast Coast
REEF Newsletter. Potential Manta Ray Nursery Off South Florida
CBS12. Rare giant manta ray breeding ground found off coast of Palm Beach
WLRN - Sundial. Florida Enters Phase 3 Reopening, TPS Under Threat, 'Urban' Manta Rays In South Florida
Palm Beach Post. Amazing discovery in Palm Beach County: Giant manta ray babies and a study that could save a threatened species
Il Secolo XIX. Avvistata in Florida una nursery in cui vivono 55 cuccioli di manta gigante
WELT. Manta-Rochen schließen untereinander Freundschaften und treffen sich
Good News Network. Scientists Find Only The Third Manta Ray Nursery in the World, “Right Under Our Nose” Off Florida Coast
Dive Magazine UK. The Marine Megafauna Foundation Finds a City-Dwelling Population of Young Mantas
FAU Research. Discovery of Manta Ray Nursery - FAU Graduate Uncovers First Urban Nursery Ground for Mantas off South Florida Coast
National Geographic. National Geographic
National Geographic Kids magazine. The Big Picture
Stuff.co.nz. These are the best underwater photos
Dead Bees (RU). Лучшие подводные фотографии — 2020
Encyclopedia Virtual (BR). Os vencedores dos prêmios de fotografia subaquática 2020 foram revelados
IFL Science. The Winners Of The Underwater Photography Awards 2020 Have Been Revealed
Dive magazine. Competition Photograph Highlights Plight of Plastic Nest Building Seabirds
Metro. Shocking photo shows gannet nests ‘overflowing with fishing debris’
Oceanographic Magazine. Marine Megafauna Foundation create underwater 'listening stations' to track manta rays in Mozambique
Dive Photo Guide. Photographer of the Week – Andrea Marshall
Hakai magazine. For Manta Rays, Survival Isn’t Black and White
Radio Arabella. GreenTalk-Podcast: Mode fürs Meer
Süddeutsche Zeitung. Retter der Rochen
Dive magazine. 2019 review
Forbes. Unknown Whale Shark Movement in Asia Discovered
Forbes. It's not all black and white: melanism in mantas
Daily Maverick (ZA). The future of East Africa’s last ‘mermaids’ hangs in the balance
Sunday Times (ZA). Sasol pushes for drilling near Bazaruto
Giessener Allgemeine (via DPA). Unfreiwillige Müllschlucker
Mongabay Indonesia. Cegah Sampah ke Sungai Bisa Selamatkan Paus dan Pari Manta
One Green Planet. Indonesia Marine Life Ingesting Plastic at Unbelievable Rates
Business Insider (IT). Indonesia: così le microplastiche avvelenano squali-balena e mante
Dive magazine. Microplastics On The Menu Of Manta Rays And Whale Sharks
Washington Times. Off Africa's coast, a race to 'save our ocean giants from extinction'
Die Zeit. Mikroplastik belastet Mantarochen und Walhaie
Die Welt. Mikroplastik belastet Mantarochen und Walhaie
kopalniawiedzy (P). W okolicach Indonezji manty i rekiny wielorybie spożywają duże ilości tworzyw
Eco Business. In Indonesian waters, filter feeders can ingest up to hundreds of microplastic particles every hour
Tekno Tempo (ID). Indo microplastics Elitza Germanov
IFL Science. Manta Rays And Whale Sharks Are Swallowing Alarming Numbers Of Plastic Pieces Every Hour
Teller Report. Investigation before Bali: Microplastics pollutes manta rays and whale sharks
BBC. Plastic pollution: Whale sharks eating thousands of pieces a day
Oceanographic. Reef manta rays and whale sharks accidentally ingesting damaging microplastics
Handelsblatt. Mikroplastik belastet Mantarochen und Walhaie
Seven Seas Media. Microplastics on the menu of manta rays and whale sharks
WA Today. WA research reveals plastic's impact on gentle giants of the ocean
Newsline (AUS). WA research reveals plastic’s impact on gentle giants of the ocean
The Australian. Whale sharks victim to ocean plastic
Schönes Thailand (AT). Indonesien: Wissenschaftler warnen vor Mikroplastik nach umfangreichen Wasseranalysen
Die Zeit. Mikroplastik belastet Mantarochen und Walhaie
Die Welt. Mikroplastik belastet Mantarochen und Walhaie
Scubaverse. Microplastics on the menu of Manta Rays and Whale Sharks
Viva (ID). Ikan Pari Manta dan Hiu Paus di Indonesia Makan 63 Plastik Per Jam!
Cosmos Magazine (AUS). Not such a pretty picture
Techna Net (BR). Raias E Tubarões-Baleia Estão Consumindo Uma Quantidade Impressionante De Plástico
Schweizer Bauer (AT). Müllsammler wider Willen
NTV (DE). Mikroplastik sammelt sich in Meeresriesen
ORF (AT). Große Tiere schlucken Unmengen Mikroplastik
Inside Ecology. Microplastics on the menu of manta rays and whale sharks
VN (AT). Müllsammler wider Willen: Plastik in Manta und Walhai
Press.info. Manta Rays And Whale Sharks Are Consuming A Staggering Amount Of Plastic
Bluewin (CH). So gefährlich ist Plastikmüll für Meeresbewohner
Bild (DE). Müll-Alarm! Haie und Rochen sind voller Mikroplastik
Redaktionsnetwerk Deutschland (newswire). Unfreiwillige Müllschlucker: Mikroplastik in Mantarochen und Walhaien nachgewiesen
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Vermüllte Weltmeere: Müllsammler wider Willen
BR24. Plastikschlucker: Mikroplastik in Mantarochen und Walhaien
BBC WIldlife. Microplastics polluting Indonesian feeding grounds of ocean giants
The Times. Whale sharks eat thousands of plastic pieces a day
Daily Mail. Manta rays and whale sharks in Indonesia consuming 63 PIECES plastic pollution hour
Revista Planeta (BR). Arraia-jamanta ingere até 63 pedaços de plástico por hora
Gizmodo (BR). Raias e tubarões-baleia estão consumindo uma quantidade impressionante de plástico
Gizmodo (Earther). Manta Rays and Whale Sharks Are Consuming a Staggering Amount of Plastic
Finn News Africa. Sea Life Under Threat In Mozambique Channel
Wild Magazine. Turning The Tide on Plastic in Period Products
Dive magazine. Marine Megafauna Foundation Reveals the Secrets of Black Mantas
Divernet. Whale sharks, mantas and a line cutter
NY Times. The secret of the melanistic manta rays
Seven Seas Media. Manta rays form social bonds with each other, study shows
SIC (PT). A descoberta com..Pedro Sousa
Anthropocene Magazine. The surprisingly social lives of manta rays
Elementy (RU). Рифовые манты формируют социальные связи
Die Welt. Manta-Rochen schließen untereinander Freundschaften und treffen sich
Science Alert. Reef manta social networks Rob Perryman, Andrea Marshall
Psychologies Today. Manta Ray Fishes Make Friends—and It's Not Very Surprising
National Geographic (NL). Mantaroggen blijken verrassend hechte vriendschappen te sluiten
Mongabay. Manta rays are social creatures who are choosy about their friends
National Geographic. Manta rays form close friendships, shattering misconceptions
Deutsche Welle. Video / tweet
ZAP (PT). Cientistas descobrem que as mantas gostam de socializar e de fazer amigos
Le Monde. La raie manta, animal sociable
El Pais, CR (via Europa Press). Las mantarrayas también cultivan las relaciones sociales
Forbes. Turns out mantas are social
Scubaverse. MMF study shows manta rays form social bonds
Pedestrian TV. Manta Rays Are The Social Butterflies Of The Ocean And I’m Fucking Living For It
ABC Australia. Reef manta rays make friends — but some are more social than others
Cosmos Magazine . Manta rays like hanging out with their mates
Oceanographic. New study shows manta rays form social bonds
Australian Academy of Sciences. Video: manta squrare
Deeper Blue. A New Study Finds That Manta Rays Form Social Bonds With Each Other
Sci News. Study: Reef Manta Rays Form Complex and Longer-Lasting Social Relationships
IFL Science. Manta Rays Form Special Bonds And Choose Social Partners, Study Finds
DIVE Magazine. New Research Shows Manta Rays Make Friends and Socialise
Divernet. How mantas make friends
Scuba Diver Mag. Study shows manta rays form social bonds with each other
BiOME Ecology. Manta rays form social bonds with each other, study shows
Science. These manta rays form ‘friendships’ that last longer than a summer fling
Travel Daily. G Adventures adds custom-built catamaran to its Galápagos fleet
Metro. Escape: Exploring thrilling alternatives to big-game safaris
Oceanographic. Brief encounters
Tagesanzeiger. Fleckige Ruecken
Der Standard (AT). Forscher sammeln Touristenfotos von riesigem Stechrochen
CTV News. Ghost gear,' plastic entangled 1,000 sharks and rays since 2009: study
The Scientist. Underwater footage of the largest marine stingray, the smalleye stingray
Hani (South Korea). 거대 가오리 수수께끼, 다이버들이 밝힌다
Tekk.tv. Forscher haben die erste Studie zum größten Meeresrochen der Welt veröffentlicht
National Geographic (NL). Nieuwe video van ’s werelds grootste en zeldzaamste pijlstaartrog
Social.co (MZ). Praia do Tofo é palco do primeiro estudo sobre a maior arraia marinha do mundo
DIVE Magazine. New Study Reveals Long Distance Migration of Largest Stingray
Southafrica Today. Recreational divers help researchers track movements of rare stingray
Mongabay. Recreational divers help researchers track movements of rare stingra
Der Spiegel. Flachwissen aus der Tiefe
National Geographic (RU). Громадный малоглазый хвостокол попал на видео
National Geographic (IT). La razza più grande e rara dell’oceano
National Geographic. The ocean's largest, rarest stingray revealed in new video
Sanmarino TV. Anche l'uomo mangia la plastica, 5 grammi ogni settimana
Inside Divers. Whale sharks with parasites
La Hora (Guatemala). El primer estudio fotográfico sobre la raya marina más grande del mundo revela sus largos recorridos de migración
Ecoticias. La raya marina más grande del planeta
SciTech Europa. Smalleye stingrays: how the world’s largest marine stingray reveals long-distance migration
Summer Tales (Purple Dragon). Dr Andrea Marshall
Scubaverse. Tourists key to future of rare manta nursery
El Comercio (via Mongabay LATAM). Informe IPBES: un millón de especies en peligro de extinción y bosques tropicales bajo ataque
The Guardian. The week in wildlife
BiOME Ecology. Tourists and fishers key to future of rare manta nursery
Scimex. Tourists and fishers key to future of rare manta nursery
Inside Ecology. Tourists and fishers key to future of rare manta nursery
Channel 4. Bali's manta rays threatened by tourists
Diver. Primer for future divers
Focus (IT). Pronta per l'ecografia
BBC. Blue Planet Live
Malayalam. വീട്ടില് നിന്നും 6000 കിലോമീറ്റര് അകലെ ഒരു തിരണ്ടി
Earth.com. Pregnant reef manta ray spotted thousands of miles from its habitat
BT.com. Watch: Pregnant manta ray spotted 6,000km from home
Bastille Post. Watch: Pregnant manta ray spotted 6,000km from home
Express. Costa Rica: Pregnant reef manta ray spotted in Eastern Pacific
Daily Star. Pregnant manta ray takes up residence 6,000 KILOMETRES from her natural habitat
Deutsche Welle. Twitter video
Evening Express. Watch: Pregnant manta ray spotted 6,000km from home
Shropshire Star (via PA). Watch: Pregnant manta ray spotted 6,000km from home
Express and Star (Via PA). Watch: Pregnant manta ray spotted 6,000km from home
Breaking News (IE via PA). Watch: Pregnant manta ray spotted 6,000km from home
Irish News (Via PA). Watch: Pregnant manta ray spotted 6,000km from home
Mother Nature Network. First-ever reef manta ray spotted in the eastern Pacific
MSN (via PA). Reef manta ray spotted for first time in Eastern Pacific
News24 (via PA). Reef manta ray spotted for first time in Eastern Pacific
Channel24 (ZA via PA). Reef manta ray spotted for first time in Eastern Pacific
Independent (IE, via PA). Reef manta ray spotted for first time in Eastern Pacific
The West (via PA). Reef manta ray spotted for first time in Eastern Pacific
Belfast Telegraph (via PA). Reef manta ray recorded for first time in Eastern Pacific
BT.com. Reef manta ray recorded for first time in Eastern Pacific
BiOME Ecology. Reef manta ray recorded for first time in Eastern Pacific
BBC Wildlife Magazine. Reef manta ray recorded for first time in Eastern Pacific
Hakai Magazine. One Great Shot: Giant of the Deep
PBS. In a First, Scientists Discover Oceanic Manta Ray Nursery
Forbes. World Wildlife Day: Looking At How Sharks Are Doing
Sudinfo (BE). Grandeur Nature: cap sur Nosy Be, l’envoûtante et sensuelle île aux parfums…
Oceanographic. Greatest mysteries of the ocen
DIVER Magazine. Meet the jet-propelled midwives
Yahoo. Marine biologist captures incredibly rare footage of hundreds of hammerhead sharks
Fodor's . 10 Places Where You Can Swim With Whale Sharks
Glenwood Guardian. Whale Shark of a Time
BBC Two (TV). Africa with Ade Adepitan
Sunday Telegraph. Africa - but not as you know it; Presenter ADE ADEPITAN reveals what his latest series taught him about the continent of his birth REAL LIFE
Padi (blog). Coral Restoration Brings Diving Communities Together
Mongabay. Plastics found in dolphins, seals, and whales in UK waters
Metro Time (BE). Un plongeur se filme nageant avec des centaines de requins marteaux
Please live your dreams. Tofo: A slice of heaven
Der Standaard (BE). Duiker filmt groep van honderden hamerhaaien
Nieuwsblad (BE). Even schrikken: duiker krijgt gezelschap van honderden hamerhaaien
MSN. Biologist dives with hundreds of sharks
Caters News. Marine biologist captures incredibly rare footage of hundreds of hammerhead sharks
Vacation idea. Marine Megafauna Foundation Go Deeper Expedition
National Geographic Italy. La dieta vegetariana dello squalo balena stupisce gli scienziati
MSN. Veggie-eating shark surprises scientists
National Geographic Australia. Veggie-eating shark surprises scientists
National Geographic. Veggie-eating shark surprises scientists
Dive Magazine. Marine Megafauna Foundation Launches 2019 Dive Expedition Portfolio
Sevenseas Media. Go Deeper with a Marine Biologist as Your Dive Buddy at Marine Megafauna Foundation
Wiley Australia book. Law, Dodd, Meyer, O’Brien: Jacaranda Senior Geography 1
Scubaverse. Marine Megafauna Foundation launches its 2019 Dive Expedition Portfolio
RTBF (BE). A Madagascar, une biologiste belge sensibilise à la protection des requins baleines
Padi. Galapagos Islands: Behind the Lens with Simon J Pierce
In Touch Rugby. Christmas Gift Guides
Mercola. Study: Microplastics Were in the Gut of Every Sea Turtle Tested
XYZ News. Neon sea creatures light up ocean with vibrant colors
Yahoo. Photos: Neon sea creatures light up ocean with vibrant colors
ECNS (CN). Neon sea creatures light up ocean with vibrant colours
Caters News. ‘It looked like a scene from Avatar’: Neon sea creatures light up ocean with vibrant colours
Gentside. Divers Have Captured The First Ever Underwater Ultrasound Of A Whale Shark
Dive In. Peri-peri Divers Completes Its First Mozambican Apprenticeship Scheme
Dive In. Marine Megafauna Foundation Launches Its 2019 Dive Expedition Portfolio
Getaway (ZA). Dive with the Marine Megafauna Foundation in Mozambique
Brinkwire. Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
Passports and Adventures. Christmas Gifts for Adults Who Travel
Travels with Tam. This is the Season when Giving is Good Any Day of the Week!
Scuba Diver Magazine. Marine Megafauna Foundation Launches its 2019 Dive Expedition Portfolio
Geographical Magazine. Bamboo bicycling around New Zealand
Scuba Diver. Turtle Speared Through Neck Highlights Importance of Marine Conservation Work
Destination Wildlife. 4 Wildlife Saving Organizations That You Should Know About
EZ Dive mag. Ethical fashion
Good Animals. Shocking photo shows endangered sea turtle with speargun piercing its neck
MTV. 7 pieces of head-to-toe eco-friendly activewear
DIVE. Marine Megafauna Foundation Rescues Two Turtles in Mozambique
Scubaverse. Shocking images highlight importance of marine conservation work
The London Economic. Shocking photo shows endangered sea turtle with speargun piercing its neck
Science et Avenir. Des chercheurs réalisent des échographies sous-marines sur des requins-baleines
Buying Business Travel . Life on the other side
Buying Business Travel . Life on the other side
Yahoo Singapore. Swimming with giants in Africa's little-known underwater paradise
Yahoo UK . Swimming with giants in Africa's little-known underwater paradise
Daily Telegraph . Swimming with giants in Africa's little-known underwater paradise
Argos Systems . Des requins baleines à Madagascar
Argos Systems . Whale sharks in Madagascar
Diver magazine. Just Surfaced
Scuba Diver Life. First ever whale shark ultrasound
Getaway (ZA). Tofo’s bigger Big 5
Watertown Daily Times . Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world’s biggest sharks
SBS . First ever whale shark examination complete in the Galapagos
Nu. Duikers maken voor het eerst echo van walvishaai
Yahoo Singapore. Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Yahoo Canada. Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Huffington Global . Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
One News Page . Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Deccan Chronicle . Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
News Cabal. Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Arcamax. Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Rumble.com. Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Reuters UK . Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Reuters.com. Underwater ultrasound sheds light on whale shark reproduction
Polo magazine. Christmas gift guide
BBC 2 Wales/Scotland. Natural World
Axios Science . 43413
Neatorama. How Do You Take a Sonogram on a Swimming Whale Shark?
AFAR. Scientists Spill About the Best Places to See Sharks Around the World
World Footprints. Queen of Mantas – One Woman’s Fight For a Threatened Species
ECNS. Incredible footage shows scientists taking first scans of whale shark(1/4)
LMT online. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Wooden Boat Forum . Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
St Catharine Standard . Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
NZ Herald. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Waterloo Region Record . Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
The Hamilton News. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
The Hamilton Spectator . Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Diver magazine. Pre-natal checks for whale sharks in Galapagos
My San Antonio. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Tech2Org. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
G News. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Science Global News . Watch a diver perform the first undersea ultrasound on the world’s biggest shark
Chron. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Vaaju. Divers perform undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Science Alert. Watch a diver perform the first undersea ultrasound on the world’s biggest shark
Entertainment News. Watch: Diver performs first undersea ultrasound on world’s biggest shark
USA News Site. Watch: Diver performs first undersea ultrasound on world’s biggest shark
East Bay Times. Watch: Diver performs first undersea ultrasound on world’s biggest shark
Pets & Animals. Watch: Diver performs first undersea ultrasound on world’s biggest shark
Mercury News . Watch: Diver performs first undersea ultrasound on world’s biggest shark
SFGate. Diver performs undersea ultrasounds on world's biggest sharks
Headtopics . Watch a diver perform the first undersea ultrasound on the world’s biggest shark
Washington Post online. Watch a diver perform the first undersea ultrasound on the world’s biggest shark
Washington Post online. Watch how scientists perform an underwater ultrasound on a whale shark
Long Room . Tropical marine conservation needs to change as coral reefs decline
Phys Org . Tropical marine conservation needs to change as coral reefs decline
Everything Mermaid (Blog). Top ocean conservation efforts
Intrepid magazine. Stella Diamant Mad about Whale Sharks
EZ Dive (Kathryn Curzon). Five great marine conservation organisations
Scubaverse. Underwater ultrasound & first ever blood sampling on adult Whale Sharks
Aqua 2 Ch. 世界最大の魚類『ジンベエザメ』、超音波検査でお腹の中の様子が明らかとなる
Scuba Diver Magazine. Underwater ultrasound and first ever blood sampling on adult whale sharks
Dive Magazine. First Ultrasound Scans and Blood Samples From Wild Galápagos Whale Sharks
DZ Breaking. Exceptional submarine ultrasound for a shark-whale
Adventure.com. Meet Mozambique’s new ocean conservationists
Planet.fr. Exceptionnelle échographie sous-marine pour ce requin-baleine
Linook. Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
Infosurhoy. Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
Good Things Guy . First time ever: Scientists perform underwater ultrasound on adult Whale Sharks, Earths largest fish!
Exeter University. Powerful film highlighting the impact of plastic pollution in the Arctic showcased
The Times. Scans will reveal how sharks breed
The Times online. Scans will reveal how sharks breed
US Science Tech . Breaking News - Scientists have taken ultrasounds from wild whale sharks
Viral Global News . Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
Breaking News Time . Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
Last 24. Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
WS Buzz. Scientists have taken ultrasounds from wild whale sharks
Long Room . Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
News Cabal. Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
News Ahmed. Scientists Take Ultrasounds From Wild Whale Sharks Within The Galapagos
11 News. Ученые принимают УЗИ от диких китовыми акулами на Галапагосах
The London Economic. Ultrasounds & blood samples of world's largest shark taken for first time
Archy News Nety . Scientists take echoes from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
Evening Standard. Scientists conduct first ever ultrasound scans on whale sharks in major scientific breakthrough
Daily Mail . Scientists take ultrasounds from wild whale sharks in the Galapagos
Asian Correspondent. Health warning: Your salt comes with a side of plastic
Forbes. The Low Down On Plastic Pollution And How It Affects Sharks
Curiosity Magazine. How One Mozambican Fishing Community Is Saving the Ocean, and Its Livelihood
Someones Magazine. Rays of Hope
Daily Northwestern. Abroad Brush Strokes: Plastic jellyfish and giant mantas in Bali
La Stampa. Le angoscianti immagini delle mante che cercano di sopravvivere in un mare di plastica
Social. Marine Megafauna Foundation announced the appointment of its latest fellow
Yahoo. Manta Rays swim through clouds of plastic waste showing shocking effects of pollution
RTL Online. Mantarochen schwimmt durch ein Meer aus Plastik
Bild. Manta-Rochen muss durch Unmengen Plastik schwimmen
Yahoo. Manta Rays swim through clouds of plastic waste showing shocking effects of pollution
Fire News Feed. Horrifying pictures show majestic manta ray forced to swim in sea of plastic off tourist hotspot
Moganews.en. Distressing photographs show manta ray struggling to swim in cloud of plastic ...
Health Breaking News. Horrifying pictures show majestic manta ray forced to swim in sea of plastic off tourist hotspot
Long Room . Distressing photographs show manta ray struggling to swim in cloud of plastic waste
Gazeta.ua. Огидна рідота - скат потрапив у сміттєву пляму
News City . That makes you sad and angry - Manta-Ray has to swim through tons of plastic
Stars Post . Jailed Brit Loses Freedom Bid, Mh370 Jet’s ‘Death Spiral’ And Horror Image Showing Manta Ray In A Sea Of Plastic
Extra Globo. Registro de arraia nadando no meio de lixo em 'águas paradisíacas' impressiona
Stars Post . Horrifying Pictures Show Majestic Manta Ray Forced To Swim In Sea Of Plastic Off Tourist Hotspot
Daily Mail . Distressing photographs show manta rays struggling to swim in a cloud of plastic waste dumped into the sea in Bali
New York Post. This hungry manta ray has to swim through a plastic soup made by tourists
Daily Mirror. Horrifying photo shows manta ray swimming in cloud of plastic waste dumped by humans
World Footprints. Keeping Whale Shark Tourism Sustainable in Madagascar
g1. Why do marine animals associate plastic with food?
LinkedIn (via Scubaverse) . Peri-Peri divers completes its first apprenticeship scheme
Scubaverse. Peri-Peri divers completes its first apprenticeship scheme
Club of Mozambique . Peri-Peri divers completes its first Mozambican apprenticeship scheme
Asian Correspondent (via Mongabay). Indonesia’s big plastic cleanup involved 20,000 people in 76 locales
Travel Wire News. ‘Biological passports’ show whale sharks travel significantly less than we thought
World of Animals. The New Whale Shark Hotspot
EnviroLink. Madagascar: Where young whale sharks party
Mongabay. Madagascar: Where young whale sharks party
Travel Africa Mag. What lies beneath
Dive.In . Dr. Simon Pierce launches Patreon crowdfunding campaign
Enliven. Moçambique – under ytan
Divernet. Beyond the Comfort Zone
Divernet. Where the Whale Sharks Are
Business Mirror. PHL waters ‘incredibly important’ for juvenile whale sharks–study
Wessex Scene. Whale sharks: where do they come from, where will they go?
Pongpesca. ‘Gentle giants’ urgently need conservation management
Lonely Planet. Tofo, Mozambique: small town, big experiences
NZ Herald. Whale Shark of a Time
Geographical Magazine. ‘Gentle giants’ urgently need conservation management
Mongabay. Tracking tools identify regional hubs of whale shark activity
Travel Wire News. ‘Biological passports’ show whale sharks travel less than we thought
North Taranaki Midweek. Up and close with whale shark
Envirolink (via Mongabay). ‘Biological passports’ show whale sharks travel less than we thought
Mongabay. ‘Biological passports’ show whale sharks travel less than we thought
IPP Media. Biological passport to monitor earth's largest fist
ECO magazine . Biological passport to monitor earth's largest fist
Africa Geographic (Blog). Researchers use “biological passport” to monitor whale sharks – Earth’s largest fish
Laboratory Equipment. Researchers Use 'Biological Passport' to Monitor Earth's Largest Fish
Tech ZME (SK). Žraloky veľrybie počas kŕmenia
This Just in . Photos of the Week (08/12/18)
The Animal People (South Korea). 어린 고래상어는 장거리여행을 싫어해?
ABC Biodiversidad. El mayor pez de la Tierra viaja poco, según su pasaporte biológico
World Economic Forum. Pristine Antarctic fjords contain similar levels of microplastics to open oceans near big civilisations
Tele Madrid (via SINC). El mayor pez de la Tierra viaja poco, según su 'pasaporte biológico
Daily Beast. Whale Sharks and Rays Can't Get Enough of Mozambique's Coast
Mexico Ambietal. Tiburones ballena alimentando en el Océano Índico occidental
The Guardian. The week in wildlife
Earth. Whale sharks prefer to stay close to home, new analysis shows
Did we know . For Whale Sharks, Madagascar is the place to be!
La Nueva Espana (via SINC). El mayor pez de la Tierra viaja poco, según su "pasaporte biológico"
Noticias de la Science (via SINC). Un ‘pasaporte’ biológico muestra cuánto se mueve el tiburón ballena
La Opinion A Coruna (via SINC). El tiburón ballena se desplaza menos de lo que pensaban los científicos
Tecnoxplora (via SINC). Un ‘pasaporte’ biológico muestra cuánto se mueve el tiburón ballena
Tekk (DE). Forscher verwenden einen "biologischen Pass", um den größten Fisch der Erde zu überwachen
Sveriges Radio (Online). Valhajens rörelser kartläggs
Time Traveller Wiki. Whale sharks need greater protection from local and regional threats
The Daily News NZ. Expert speaks up for world's oceans
Eurasia Review . Researchers use “biological passport” to monitor Earth’s largest fish
BiOME Ecology. Researchers use “biological passport” to monitor Earth’s largest fish
Tunisie Soir. Research: Whale sharks, the world’s largest fish, roam less than previously thought
Ecodiario (via SINC). El tiburón ballena nada poco cuando es macho y joven
Europapress (via SINC). El mayor pez de la Tierra viaja poco, según su 'pasaporte biológico'
SINC (Spanish news agency). Un ‘pasaporte’ biológico muestra cuánto se mueve el tiburón ballena
Australasian Science. Isotopes reveal that whale sharks stay close to home
Scuba Diver. Crowdfunding Campaign Launched to Help Protect Whale Sharks
Long Room . Researchers use 'biological passport' to monitor Earth's largest fish
Today Eco. Whale sharks need better protection against local and regional threats, reports Marianne Brooker
University of Southampton. Researchers use 'biological passport' to monitor Earth's largest fish
EurekAlert. Researchers use 'biological passport' to monitor Earth's largest fish
AlphaGalileo. Researchers use “biological passport” to monitor Earth’s largest fish
Pets & Animals (via guardian) . Whale sharks feeding in the western Indian Ocean - in pictures
What I Learned. Biological Passport' To Monitor Earth's Largest Fish
Remo News. Whale sharks need better protection against local and regional threats, reports Marianne Brooker
Bioengineer.org. Researchers use 'biological passport' to monitor Earth's largest fish
News Beezer. Whale sharks need better protection against local and regional threats, reports Marianne Brooker
Press Cute. Researchers use ‘organic passport’ to observe Earth’s largest fish (News)
Today Chan. Researchers use ‘organic passport’ to observe Earth’s largest fish
Science Daily. ‘Biological passports’ help researchers track the world’s biggest fish
Science Magazine . ‘Biological passports’ help researchers track the world’s biggest fish
The Ecologist. Whale sharks need greater protection from local and regional threats
Phys Org . Researchers use 'biological passport' to monitor Earth's largest fish
The guardian. Whale sharks feeding in the western Indian Ocean - in pictures
Inside Ecology. Dr Simon Pierce launches Patreon crowdfunding campaign
BiOME Ecology. Whale Shark Crowdfunding Campaign
Scoop NZ. Appointments to Conservation Boards made
Stuff NZ. Taranaki man gets up in the morning to swim with sharks
Timaru Herald. Taranaki man gets up in the morning to swim with sharks
Dominion Post. Taranaki man gets up in the morning to swim with sharks
Manawatu Herald. Taranaki man gets up in the morning to swim with sharks
pebble. Sea change: The Mozambican fishermen turning to farming to protect the ocean
Scubaverse. Scuba Diversion launches ‘Off The Chart’ Myanmar Expedition
IUCN programme website. MARPLASTICCS - Marine plastics and coastal communities
Space Daily. Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
Der Standard (DE). Wandernde Walhaie per Satellit mitverfolgt
X-Ray Mag. Philippine waters essential for whale sharks
TV3.ie. How to swim responsibly with whale sharks – in these eco marine destinations
Wise Oceans. An Interview with WiseOceans…Andrea Marshall from Marine Megafauna Foundation
Irish Examiner. How to swim responsibly with whale sharks – in these eco marine destinations
Espeak (via Science Daily) . Satellite TV for pc monitoring reveals philippine waters are vital for endangered whale sharks
GapYear.com. Experts Interview: So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist?
Philippine Primer. Discovery Channel Declares Shark Sightings in Malapascua One of the Best
Infosurhoy. Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
DIVE Magazine. Satellite Tag Study Reveals Importance of Philippine Waters for Whale Sharks
The Scientist. Image of the Day: Deep Blue Sea
CGTN. Endangered whale sharks thriving in Philippines
Wild Singapore News. Philippines archipelago provides vital habitat for juvenile whale sharks
Long Room . Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
Phys Org . Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
Deep Find. Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
Science Daily. Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
EurekAlert. Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
Tunisie Soir. Research: Satellite tracking reveals Philippine waters are important for endangered whale sharks
Breitbart (via UPI). Philippines archipelago provides vital habitat for juvenile whale sharks
UPI. Philippines archipelago provides vital habitat for juvenile whale sharks
Family Traveller. Marine conservation in Mozambique
Mongabay. As planned excise flops, Indonesia ponders how to give up plastic bags
Discovery Channel. Shark Planet
Medium . Never Try, Never Know
Diver. New but untested
Diver. Beyond the Comfort Zone
Diver. Where the Whale Sharks Are
The Conversation. Pristine Antarctic fjords contain similar levels of microplastics to open oceans near big civilisations
Wise Oceans. An interview with Lukas Mueller
Scuba Diver Life. Famous women in diving: Dr Andrea Marshall
The Scottish Sun . DO some good
The National Student. 11 Things to do in Tofo
Wise Oceans. An interview with Stella Diamant
How we get to next . Stargazing with whale sharks
The Outdoor Journal. Belize Barrier Reef No Longer Endangered UNESCO World Heritage Site
Oceanographic Magazine. Reshaping whale shark tourism in Madagascar
Scuba Diver mag. Scuba Diversion launches ‘Off the Chart’ Myanmar Expedition
News Deeply. Scientists Track Elusive Giant Manta Rays as Poaching Threats Grow
Scubaverse. Summer Swimwear that helps marine life
Divernet.com. Join manta queen in Mozambique
Gap Year.com. A Day in the Life of a Marine Conservation Volunteer in Mozambique
Travel Blog.org. Tofo
Dive.In . Marine Megafauna Foundation launches diving expeditions
Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. New whale shark hotspot discovered in Madagascar
Conservation International. In case you missed it...
Great Big Story (CNN). Join the Queen of the Mantas for a swim with gentle giants
The Culture Trip. Why Nosy-Be, Madagascar Is Now The Best Place For Whale Shark Spotting
Fast Company. The world’s animals are getting their very own Facebook
Scubaverse. Marine Megafauna Foundation launches diving expeditions
Mother Nature Network. For endangered whale sharks, Madagascar is the place to be
Diver (print) . Why community support is essential to progress
Design Boom. marine biologist's discovery of a rare manta ray nursery could help protect species
National Geographic. Rare Manta Ray Nursery Discovered
MSN.com. Rare Manta Ray Nursery Discovered
PBS. Manta nursery Andrea Marshall
National Geographic. Meet the "Queen of Mantas"
Find Climate Answers (via Scuba Diving) . Marine Megafauna Foundation Launches Diving Expeditions
Scuba Diving . Marine Megafauna Foundation Launches Diving Expeditions
National Student. This unique diving expedition in Mozambique can get you closer to the ocean's inhabitants than you've ever been before
X-Ray Mag. Madagascar emerges as hotspot for endangered whale sharks
The National Student. How Madagascar became a haven for whale sharks
Daily Scuba News. Madagascar Is A Whale Shark Hotspot
Yahoo Lifestyle (via Cosmo) . How I got my first job in: Marine Conservation
Cosmopolitan.com. How I got my first job in: Marine Conservation
Stylist. How these 5 designers are revolutionising sustainable fashion
Travel Earth . Whale Sharks Have Been Discovered Near Madagascar
National Student. 5 reasons Mozambique is the perfect destination for your next eco-friendly holiday
Scubaverse. Madagascar emerges as hotspot for endangered whale sharks
TF1 . À la rencontre des requins-baleines de Madagascar
The Florida Oracle (via Scuba Diver Life) . Madagascar Emerges as a Hotspot for Endangered Whale Sharks
Scuba Diver Life. Madagascar Emerges as a Hotspot for Endangered Whale Sharks
Congleton Chronicle. On a mission to inspire guardians of the ocean
Hamburger Abendblatt (DE). Meeresbiologen warnen: Quallen breiten sich aus wie noch nie
Brinkwire (via MNN) . For endangered whale sharks, Madagascar is the place to be
Lonely Planet. Hiding in plain sight – large population of whale sharks discovered in the waters off Madagascar
MSN. Whale Sharks Thriving In Madagascar
Mother Nature Network. For endangered whale sharks, Madagascar is the place to be
Mercola Healthy Pets. Microplastics Pose a Significant Risk to Whales, Manta Rays and Whale Sharks
Tecno Akurat (Indonesia). Madagaskar Muncul Sebagai Hotspot Baru Hiu Paus
Project AWARE. Madagascar emerges as hotspot for endangered whale sharks
Tourism Update. Madagascar whale shark sightings boost eco-tourism
Global Citizen. Endangered Whale Sharks Found in Abundance Around Madagascar
TALK Radio. Live interview with Stella
Smmry (via BBC) . Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Daily Sun (ZA). Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Steemit. Madagascar emerges as shark hotspot
Ecophiles. Swim with whale sharks: How to make sure the encounter is responsible
Postimees (ES). Madagaskari lähistelt avastati hiiglaslik maailma suurimate kalade koloonia
Le Soir (Belgium). Les requins-baleines pullulent à Madagascar
African Seer (via BBC) . Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Flash News. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Divernet (online) . Madagascar recognised as whale-shark hotspot
Mongabay. In other news: environmental stories from around the web
DIVE Magazine. New Study Reveals Juvenile Whale Sharks Gather in Madagascar
Oceanographic Magazine. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Daily Observer. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
VON (Nigeria). Large number of Whale Sharks sighted in Madagascar
Info Ghana. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
UK Report. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Techjollof (via BBC) . Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Von . Large number of Whale Sharks sighted in Madagascar
Suara (Indonesia). Madagaskar Menjadi Hotspot Whale Shark
Long Room . To save whale sharks, first we track their young
The Daily Observer. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Into the Blue. Madagascar revealed as hotspot for juvenille whale sharks
VTN (Colombia). Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
BBC World - Global With Matthew Amroliwala - 17 May @ 15.23. TV COVERAGE!!
BBC World Service Radio. n/a - radio coverage
Interspace Reporter (via BBC). Madagascar Emerges As Whale Shark Hotspot
EnviroLink (via BBC). Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Your wishes (via BBC). Madagaskar fremstår som hvalhaj hotspot
Dot Emirates (via BBC) . Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
News of Today (via BBC). Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Newsrust. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
BBC News. Madagascar emerges as whale shark hotspot
Down to Earth (India). Madagascar emerges as hotspot for endangered Whale Sharks
Biome Ecology. Madagascar emerges as hotspot for endangered Whale Sharks
Marine Biology. Madagascar revealed as hotspot for juvenille whale sharks
Phys Org . To save whale sharks, first we track their young
Africa Info (via Mada Tribune). Madagascar un hotspot pour le requin baleine, le plus grand poisson du monde en voie d’extinction
Madagascar Tribune. Madagascar un hotspot pour le requin baleine, le plus grand poisson du monde en voie d’extinction
FIU News. To save whale sharks, first we track their young
The i . Whale sharks head to Madagascar
Scuba Diver Life. Inspiring future Ocean Guardians in Mozambique
BBC Radio Manchester. Live interview with Mark Kelly re. Ocean Guardians fundraiser
The National Student. How you can support the Ocean Guardians of Mozambique
Kate on Thin Ice. Queen of Mantas - Andrea's story
Reef Divers.io. We Removed A Ghost Net From Nusa Lembongan And It Got A Little Spooky!
Eloquently Her. How Can We Turn Off The Plastic Tap?
Afar. Where the Whale Sharks Are: 9 Places to Spot the Gentle Giants This Summer
The Globe and Mail . Dream of swimming with whale sharks? Know that it's a nightmare for them
Kate on Thin Ice. Escaping the rat race: PR out of Africa
Plastic Soup Organization. Plastic Soup Atlas of the World
Reef Divers.io. See The Reef With New Eyes – Presentation in Nusa Lembongan – May 3rd
Wired (UK). Are microplastics messing with the ocean's grandest creatures?
Reef Divers.io. Support Ocean Guardians In Mozambique
MTV.co.uk. 5 simple ways you can help protect our oceans
Opaque. Fighting the Rising Tide of Plastic Pollution
Opaque online. Fighting the Rising Tide of Plastic Pollution
Outdoor Hub. Wildlife Experts Believe This Video Captured a New Species of Manta Ray Off Palm Beach
KVOA. Stunning manta ray sighting off Florida coast
National Student. Here’s how students can help save the ocean
Our World. Whale and shark species at increasing risk from microplastic pollution – study
Art of Scuba Diving. Chatting With Whale Shark Expert Simon Pierce
Good. This Woman-Led Conservation Team Is Protecting Giant Gentle Manta Rays
WPBF. Possible new species of manta ray spotted off Palm Beach
WJNO. Is The Manta Ray In This Video Off Palm Beach A New Species?
WPTV. Possible new species of manta ray spotted off Palm Beach
Mother Nature Network. What dolphins taught this scientist about effective communication
Suara Pembaca. Flagship species for conservation: Mantas, leatherbacks
Jakarta Post . Flagship species for conservation: Mantas, leatherbacks
La Stampa (IT). La plastica in mare distrugge anche la barriera corallina
Oceanographic Magazine. The trouble with measuring 'bonsai' sharks
Daily Pioneer (IN). Looming spectre of microplastic pollution
Kiss That World. Aquatic Adventure with the Queen of the Mantas Andrea Marshall
Asian Correspondent (via Mongabay). Microplastic pollution in world’s oceans poses major threat to filter-feeding megafauna
Mongabay. Microplastic pollution in world’s oceans poses major threat to filter-feeding megafauna
SZtv. Indonesia from below: Manta Rays and Microplastics
Metro (DO). Contaminación marina con microplásticos podría acabar con ballenas, rayas y tiburones
Dive Photo Guide. Video: Massive Plastic Pollution in Bali
APlus. A Diver Filmed Himself Swimming Through Some Truly Gross Water To Make A Point
The New Daily. Diver films wave of plastic pollution on scale ‘never seen before’
ABC Australia. Diver films wave of plastic pollution off Bali on scale 'never seen before'
WTPS 10News (US). Massive manta ray spotted in waters just off Pinellas Co.
Bluewin. Vom Aussterben bedroht: Auf den Spuren der mysteriösen Riesenhaie
The Jetlagged (documentary). The Patterns of the Ocean - Protecting Indonesia's Manta Rays
Diver Magazine. As plastics threat to filter-feeders is revealed
Mongabay Latam (Spanish). Estas son las 10 historias más leídas de febrero del 2018
Japan Times. Scientists dive in to crack the mysteries of the elusive, majestic whale shark
Newser. Biggest Fish in the Ocean Continues to Confound Us
Sun Herald. Cracking the mysteries of the elusive, majestic whale shark
NY Times. Cracking the Mysteries of the Elusive, Majestic Whale Shark
Star Telegram (via AP). Cracking the mysteries of the elusive, majestic whale shark
Associated Press. Scientists seek answers about the biggest fish in the sea
Scuba Diving. Andrea Marshall Named Scuba Diving Magazine's Sea Hero of the Year
Daily Trust. ‘Whale, shark species at increasing risk from microplastic pollution’
Independent. Sailing into the dead zone
BBC. Could plant-based plastics help tackle waste pollution?
The Week Junior (UK). Ocean giants sucking up plastic
Estudios SIN. Realizarán estudios marinos en el país
Mongabay Latam (Spanish). Contaminación marina con microplásticos podría acabar con ballenas, rayas y tiburones
Care2. The Tiniest Pieces of Plastic Are Threatening the Ocean’s Largest Creatures
Plastics News. Microplastics a 'risk to filter feeders'
Dive UK. Sharks, Rays And Whales Impacted By Microplastic Pollution And Associated Toxins
Kainuun Sanomat (FI). Mikromuovi uhkaa merten jättiläisiä
Scuba Diver Mag. Scientists Call for More Research Into Plastic Pollution Impact on Ocean Giants
Breitbart. Microplastic pollution pushing baleen whales to brink of extinction
UPI. Microplastic pollution pushing baleen whales to brink of extinction
Siena News. I giganti dei mari vittime delle microplastiche: l’Università di Siena lancia l’allarme
Asharq al-aswat. Scientists Warn of Threat of Plastic Waste on Marine Life
Sport Diver. New Study Proves Sharks, Rays and Whales Impacted by Microplastic Pollution
Inhabitat. Microplastic pollution poses particular threat to filter-feeding rays, sharks and whales
Scubaverse. Microplastics: No small problem for filter-feeding ocean giants
The Science Times (CN). 고래 위협하는 미세 플라스틱
Tech Times. Microplastic Pollution Threatens Giants Of The Ocean, Scientists Warn
African Independent TV. Scientists Call For More Research On Plastic Pollution
The Nation. Microplastics threat to ocean giants
Down to Earth. Microplastic pollution could push whale, shark towards extinction: study
Divernet. Plastics threat to filter-feeders
Coast FM (UK). Microplastics pose massive threat to marine giants, say scientists
KL FM (UK). Microplastics pose massive threat to marine giants, say scientists
Vietnam Net. Plastic pollution: Scientists' plea on threat to ocean giants
National Geographic Italy. Guerra alla plastica, dopo la "strategia" una grande ricerca europea
Futurism. Whales and Sharks Are the New Victims of Our Plastic Waste, Study Finds
IFLScience. Ocean Giants Could Be Significantly Threatened By Microplastics
Ecowatch. Microplastics Pose Major Problems for Ocean Giants
La Vanguardia (ES). Ballenas y tiburones, los animales con mayor riesgo de contaminación por microplásticos
SIC Noticias (PT). Plástico ameaça os gigantes dos mares
BBC Brasil. Os gigantes do mar ameaçados pelo aumento da poluição por plástico
O Globo (BR). Microplásticos afetam vida de grandes animais marinhos, alerta pesquisa
UOL (BR). Os gigantes do mar ameaçados pelo aumento da poluição por plástico
Journal i (PT). Micropláticos colocam baleias e tubarões em risco
Expreso (PT). Microplásticos são “grande ameaça” para os gigantes dos oceanos
CNN (GR). Θαλάσσια μόλυνση: Η έκκληση των επιστημόνων για τη σωτηρία των θαλάσσιων «γιγάντων»
24sata (HU). Zagadili smo i mora: Oceanski divovi ugroženi zbog plastike
Vecerniji (HU). Znanstvenici upozoravaju: Mikroplastika ugrožava oceanske divove
Webradio (HU). A tengerek óriásait veszélyeztetik a műanyag mikroszemcsék
Scimex. Microplastics causing big problems for iconic ocean giants
RSI (IT). Plastica ferale per le balene
Quitidiano (IT). Microplastiche anche negli Oceani incontaminati: è allarme globale
ANSA (IT). Balene e squali a rischio, fanno scorpacciate di plastica
La Stampa (IT). Le microplastiche colpiscono anche i giganti dei mari: a rischio balenottere e squali
Meteoweb (IT). Balene, mante, squali: anche negli oceani considerati più incontaminati le microplastiche colpiscono i giganti dei mari
Ultima Edizioni (IT). Allarme per micro plastica negli oceani. A rischio balene e squali
Rinnovabbili (IT). Balene e squali a rischio estinzione per le microplastiche
Today (NG). Whales, sharks at risk over plastics wastes – Scientists
DHA (TR). Okyanuslardaki mikroplastikler balinaların hayatını tehlikeye atıyor
Siasat (TR). Ocean microplastic significant risk to whales: Study
Hürriyet (TR). Okyanuslardaki mikroplastikler balinaların hayatını tehlikeye atıyor
Haberler (TR). Okyanuslardaki Mikroplastikler Balinaların Hayatını Tehlikeye Atıyor
IB Times. Plastic pollution in oceans killing whales and sharks; taking away their ability to reproduce
New Age (BD). Microplastics threat to ocean giants
Pakistan Today. Micro-plastics pose significant threat to ocean giants
The Times of India. Microplastics threatening giant ocean animals: study
Millenium Post (IN). Microplastics threatening giant ocean animals
Zee News (IN). Whales are at 'significant' risk from ocean microplastic, says study
India Today. Microplastics threatening giant ocean animals: Study
Indian Express. Microplastics threatening giant ocean animals: Study
Gulf Times. Scientists warn microplastics pose massive threat to marine giants
Global Times (CN). Ocean microplastic a 'significant risk' to whales: study
Xinhua Net (CN). Ocean microplastic a "significant risk" to whales: study
The Hindu. Ocean microplastic significant risk to whales: Study
Welinge Kringen (NL). Wetenschappers: Walvissen en haaien bedreigd door plastic
VRT (BE). "Microplastics kunnen walvissen, haaien en roggen op de rand van uitsterven brengen"
De Standard (BE). Wetenschappers waarschuwen voor bedreiging microplastics voor grote zeedieren
GVA (BE). Wetenschappers waarschuwen voor bedreiging van microplastics voor grote zeedieren
De Morgen (BE). Wetenschappers waarschuwen: "Microplastics vormen bedreiging voor walvissen, haaien en manta's"
Knack (BE). Wetenschappers waarschuwen: microplastics bedreigen grote zeedieren
Biome Ecology. Microplastics: No small problem for filter-feeding ocean giants
Yahoo UK. Microplastics pose massive threat to marine giants, say scientists
One Green Planet. New Study Finds Whales and Sharks Are at Major Risk Because of Tiny Microplastics in the Ocean
Laboratory Equipment. Whales, Filter Feeders are Ingesting Microplastics, Toxins
Bento (DE). So gefährlich ist Plastikmüll im Meer für Wale und Haie
Deutsche Welle. Microplastics endanger whales and sharks
Sky News. Microplastics pose massive threat to marine giants, say scientists
The Express. Ocean giants being poisoned by water polluted with plasti
The i. Tiny microplastics particles deal massive blow to megafauna
The Independent. Microplastics ‘pose major threat’ to whales and sharks, scientists warn
The Guardian. Whale and shark species at increasing risk from microplastic pollution – study
BBC. Plastic pollution: Scientists' plea on threat to ocean giants
Murdoch University. Press release: Microplastics pose threats to iconic ocean giants
Robynn Hofmeyr. Diving in Mozambique (book)
Earth Touch News. Dive-bombing cormorant: Bird yanks suckerfish right off a whale shark's skin
Scuba Diver Life. Mantas in Florida
TV3 (IE). 3 cool pieces of kit you must buy for an underwater holiday
Deutsche Welle. Protecting the Mantas of Mozambique