MMF’s Indonesian Research shapes New IUCN Important Shark and Ray Areas

The Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF) is immensely proud of its role in leading the applications for the designation of new Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

MMF's committed research in Indonesia has been instrumental in pinpointing vital habitats for reef manta rays. These areas, acknowledged for their significance in highlighting biodiversity hotspots for elasmobranch species, serve as essential guides for developing and executing area-based conservation strategies, including Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This marks a significant advancement in marine conservation research.

Long-term research secures ISRA’s for key manta ray areas

MMF's long-term research in Indonesia has played a crucial role in establishing three new ISRAs:

  1. Nusa Penida ISRA View PDF

  2. Komodo Islands ISRA View PDF

  3. Derawan Islands ISRA View PDF

The decade-long observation of the population dynamics and demographics, habitat use, and threats of reef manta rays in Nusa Penida and the Komodo Islands have directly contributed to the establishment of the two ISRAs,” says Janis Argeswara, who leads MMF Indonesia. “Both ISRAs are identified as critical foraging, cleaning, and reproductive areas for reef manta rays. These regions are home to significant aggregations of reef manta rays and across all life stages, with over 800 identified individuals in Nusa Penida and more than 1,200 identified individuals in the Komodo Islands.

IUCN’s Marine e-Atlas shows the Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA) in red.

Collaboration leads to Derawan Islands ISRA designation

In collaboration with researchers from various organizations, the Derawan Islands, located off the eastern Kalimantan coastline, were designated as an ISRA for three key species: Pelagic Thresher Sharks, Indo-Pacific Leopard Sharks, and Reef Manta Rays.

Through MMF's three-year monitoring initiative, we identified vital foraging, cleaning, and reproductive habitats for the smaller reef manta ray aggregation. We’re excited to continue our long-term monitoring program, focusing on their population demographics and dynamics, habitat use, and threats, for reef manta rays in the Derawan Islands to deepen our understanding of this area's aggregation.

Teamwork paves the way for conservation success

The compilation and analysis of many years of data from these sites was a massive team effort, with additional contributions from Indo Ocean Project, WWF Indonesia, IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group, Mataram University, Thresher Shark Indonesia, Duke University, Green Nirvana Resort Maratua, and Scuba Junkie Sangalaki, and the entire process was guided by the ISRA team.

ISRAs: A foundation for focused conservation efforts

The creation of Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs) in Asian waters serves as a crucial foundation for focused conservation endeavors. These areas are chosen through thorough scientific analysis, prioritizing sites with significant biodiversity of sharks, rays, and chimaeras, while also considering their importance for breeding, feeding, or other critical aspects of their life cycle.

This designation process acknowledges the ecological importance of these areas and lays the groundwork for improved conservation efforts. Through the ISRA e-Atlas, a dynamic and user-friendly tool, governments, conservationists, and communities are empowered to make well-informed decisions, promoting the safeguarding of endangered marine species and their essential habitats.

About The Marine Megafauna Foundation

The Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF) is a non-profit conservation organization based in Palm Beach, Florida. Founded in 2009, MMF is dedicated to the research and protection of threatened marine megafauna, focusing on large marine species like sharks, rays, and sea turtles, often referred to as 'megafauna'. Their mission is to ensure these majestic creatures thrive in harmony with humans. With a global reach, MMF works to understand these species' intricacies and the threats they face. Discover more at

About ISRA (Important Shark and Ray Areas):

ISRA, an initiative by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), plays a critical role in the conservation of shark and ray species worldwide. These designated areas are identified based on their ecological significance as key habitats for sharks and rays, often marking breeding grounds, feeding areas, or migration routes. The ISRA program aims to highlight these essential zones to guide global and local conservation efforts, including the implementation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). By focusing on these vital regions, ISRA seeks to ensure the long-term survival and health of these crucial marine species, contributing significantly to the broader goal of maintaining marine biodiversity and ecosystem balance.

Madeleine Pierce

Communications Director


Monthly Update for May


Monthly Update for April